Shree Harsiddhi

Agate (Gomed)

Use of gem: It is helpful in curing diseases like loss of appetite, vitality, guarantees good health, secure wealth, happiness and all sorts of prosperity. It nullifies the negative effects of planets Rahu and Saturn. It helps in achieving quick success than expected. It is helpful in fulfilling ambitions. This is basically used for Shadow planet Rahu which is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delay in work.



General Introduction: Agate is a Semi-precious stone and belongs to the class of semi-Jewel. It is oral and found in several colours. Those, who are unable to buy costly (costlier) gems, can bay Agate of any colour and put it on. This is a low cost gem that can be worn in silver. It can be had from a jeweller of lower class. In Muslim community, it is considered to be the most sacred gem and is advised to put on. It is found much in Vindhya, Satapura and Trivandrum in India. It is found at some places in Burma (now Myammar) and in the Gulf also. 

It cures diseases of Rahu and Saturn. It also increases appetite, vitality, confers good health, wealth and happiness. It gives all round prosperity. It should be worn in silver on Saturday in second finger of right hand. The weight should be 6 to 13 carats. 

Use of gem: It is helpful in curing diseases like loss of appetite, vitality, guarantees good health, secure wealth, happiness and all sorts of prosperity. It nullifies the negative effects of planets Rahu and Saturn. It helps in achieving quick success than expected. It is helpful in fulfulling ambitions. This is basically used for Shadow planet Rahu which is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delay in work.



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